When did he know? How old was he when the reality of his own death by crucifixion hit him like a freight train unmercifully ramming into his soul. Was he merely a young boy? Maybe 5 years old or 10? Did his father God guard his son's heart and mind till he was in his teens or early twenties? Because that's what parents do, right? Some information we withhold as long as we can.
How exactly is a child fully God and fully man? I'd like to think he grew into his 'Godness' so to speak. That as he grew older he grew more aware... aware of who he was, why he came and what his future held. Surely Jesus coming to earth as a mere man meant he surrendered his All-Knowing Power- at least for a time as an infant, toddler and young boy... but a time came, it had to,
when he would fully know who he was,
why he was here and
what would happen when he turned 33.
Luke tells us Jesus grew in wisdom, favor and stature. He grew up as a normal child... nursing from his mother, being spoon fed, learning to crawl, walk and talk. Except he wasn't just any child. He was the sacrificial lamb that would be led to the slaughter.
When did he know this? Who told him?
At what age did he mature to the point in which God knew
it was time to tell all?
Did God meet with his son face to face? Did he send an Angel? Did Jesus just know in his spirit-without his farther needing to say a word?
Was he all alone when his eyes fell upon Isiah 53 for the first time? What about Psalms 22? Read those chapters today and picture the young Jesus as you take in the ink on the page. He would be the one.
The one despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows and familiar with suffering. The only person to ever walk the face of the earth whom God, his own father, would reject, forsake and crush. He would be stricken by God, smitten and afflicted. He would be crushed, pierced, wounded, oppressed, slaughtered, insulted, crucified, dead.
It would be him. He was that man.
As tears flow down my cheeks at the wonder and mystery of it all, I'm relieved today that it's Good Friday.
I used to think that was a terrible name to give such a horrendous day-Good. But I've changed my mind.
I am thrilled for Jesus that Friday fINALLY came!
For decades he knew what had to be done. He knew how he would go out. He knew what was coming.
Always looming in his heart, always ruminating in his mind was THIS day. As the clock ticked and the calendar flipped
he knew he'd have to face Friday...so we could experience Sunday.
So, here we are today like every other year, remembering Good Friday and all Jesus did. Resist the urge to go through the motions and traditions of this day unmoved, untouched. Enter in. Ask God to touch you in your feelings! Ask Him to make His Word come alive in your spirit!
Luke 9:51 tells us that when the appointed time had come for Jesus to be taken up to heaven he resolutely set out for Jerusalem. No wonder! No kidding! Of course he was resolute! He had waited long enough for this dreaded time! Friday couldn't come soon enough! I awoke this morning thinking..."Yes, Jesus, It's Friday! It's here-it's here! Finally!" I imagine Jesus awoke each morning of his final week perhaps thinking something like this,
Monday:"Oh,is it really only Monday?"
Tuesday: "This is the slowest week of my life...three more days."
Wednesday: "I've got this, only 2 more days."
Thursday: "I'm almost there. This is it"
Friday: "Finally! Lets do this!"
After Jesus was tortured to the point that he was unrecognizable as a human, they nailed him, our Savior, our Jesus to a cross. As Jesus hung with the iniquity of us all heaped upon him and his father's back against him, He cried out those familiar words "It is finished!" What was finished? The curtain was torn, atonement had been paid, hope for eternity had been granted, sins were forgiven....yes, all that...
But what was finished?
It was over! He was done!
Mission accomplished! Purposes complete! Scripture Fulfilled! Execution Flawless! 33 years as a mere man on planet earth...OVER! Did you hear that-OVER! After facing that Friday Jesus was headed home! He took a deep exhale and SAT DOWN at the place he belonged... next to his father in Glory. I imagine God the Father said, "Welcome home, Son, it's really good to have you back."
It really was finished! And today really is Good Friday!